
Boiler Upgrade Scheme

There has never been a better time to opt for a heat pump as many systems qualify for a payment of £7,500 to off-set the up-front cost of installing.  The scheme which runs until 2028 is open to homeowners, small / private landlords and business replacing a fossil fuel (gas, oil, etc.) or electric heating system.  The scheme is also available to self-builders.

There are a number of qualifying criteria including there must be an Energy Performance Certificate, under 10 years old, for the property.  Further information can be found here:

The scheme is administered by Ofgem, and applications will be made by the installer on behalf of the client.  Following a successful application a Voucher will be issued for the £7,500 grant which can be redeemed following completion and commissioning of the relevant installation.

Smart Export Guarantee

The installation of a solar PV system will generate electricity for self-consumption in the home or business.  Any surplus can be exported and sold to the properties energy provider who will be exported to the national grid which under the Smart Export Guarantee scheme entitles the owner of a qualifying system  to sell this to their energy provider.  More information here: